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Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

The Order of Service

Music for Trinity - from the opera Alceste by Gluck

The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, 
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. 

The Call to Worship : The Collect for Trinity Sunday 
Almighty and eternal God, through your Word and Spirit you created all things. In Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, you reveal your salvation in all the world. Through your Holy Spirit, you give us a share in your life and love. Keep us firm in this faith and fill us with the vision of your glory that we may serve and praise you all our days: through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and evermore. Amen 

Hymn 111 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! 

The Shamrock, St Patrick and the Holy Trinity 

Prayers : Deirdre Yellowlees, Reader : Prison Chaplain, HMP Perth 

Hymn 120 : Ode to Joy 

The Old Testament Lesson : Psalm 8 
Dorothy Moir, St Leonard’s in the Fields 

Mary, did you know? by Buddy Greene 
Sung by sisters Rachel Penny and Catriona Steele 

The New Testament Lesson : St Matthew Chapter 28 verses 16 – 20 
Rosamund Murdoch 

Hymn 682 Go in grace and make disciples, baptize in God’s holy name: 

The Sermon : concluding with 
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God 

Prayers : Deirdre Yellowlees 

Hymn 445 Alleluia, sing to Jesus! 

The Benediction


St John's Kirk of Perth (Church of Scotland) is a charity registered in Scotland, no. SC017132.


Locum Minister: 

Reverend Sandy Gunn

Interim Moderator:

Reverend Craig Dobney


St John's Kirk of Perth 


St John's Place 



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