The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday 16th August 2020
Order of Service
Nimrod from Enigma Variations: Sir Edward Elgar
Words from the War Memorial of Perth in St John’s Kirk as we remember VJ Day, Seventy-Five Years ago yesterday 15th of August 1945, honouring all who died and those who came home.
The Call to Worship from Paraphrase 18
Hymn 465
Be Thou my vision
Prelude to Kohima
The Battle of Imphal and Kohima
Introduction to
The Kohima Epitaph
The Kohima Epitaph
The Flowers of the Forest : The Pipes of Major Andrew Potter
The Old Testament Lesson: Micah Chapter 4 verses 1 – 4
Read by Andrew Mansergh
Hymn 128
How shall I sing that majesty?
The Gospel According to St John Chapter 15 verses 9 – 17
Read by The Reverend Alex Stewart
Hymn 704
I vow to thee, my country
The Sermon, with Suo Gan
Preface to our Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 691
Be still my soul
The Benediction
The National Anthem
May the God of peace