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Order of Service : The Second Sunday After Easter : Sunday 26th April 2020

On the road, at the table and by the sea-shore

Introit : I, the Lord of sea and sky: photographs : the Sea of Galilee : 2009

Introduction from the Tay : the shore near the Sailing Club of Perth: The Call to Worship

Hymn 124 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation

Prayers and the Lord’s Prayer

Hymn 688 verses 1, 2, 5 and 6 By cool Siloam’s shady rill 

Preface to Holy Scripture : A Prayer of King Edward the Sixth : 1549 

St Luke Chapter 24 vv 13 – 35 : read by Stella Kinread from her home in Perth 

All in the April Evening : Liam Bonthrone in Glasgow, Matej Benda and Kenneth Maciver in The Hague. Matej is singing both soprano and alto lines. 

St John Chapter 21 vv 1 - 14 

The Sermon, concluding with Hymn 813 All praise and thanks to God 

Closing Prayers 
Hymn 737 verses 1 and 4 Will your anchor hold? 

The Benediction

Recessional Hymn 786 May the God of peace go with us : sung twice

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