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1. Why was our Kirk dedicated to St John the Baptist?
Our Church is dedicated to John the Baptist. We are not sure why but there may be a river connection...

2. How do we know that John the Baptist was destined for a special role?
Scriptures say that when Elizabeth met Mary the child in her womb leapt with joy in recognition of the presence of the Divine Saviour.

3. What did the prophets foretell about John?
In the Stilton Window, above the north porch, the subject depicted is St Elizabeth teaching St John the Baptist. St Elizabeth, 'clothed...

4. Why did John call for people to repent?
God made the world and all its creatures with men and women made in His image. By breaking His laws people have broken contact with God and

5. What aspects of our lives need changing today?
On a global scale: St John’s Kirk contains memorials to those who died in the world wars. While war is the most obvious wrong, the news med

6. What would ‘Lamb’ mean to the people who heard John?
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John has grasped that, in Jesus, God ...

7. Why did John baptise Jesus?
John protests that he is not worthy to baptise Jesus, but Jesus insists, saying that John was the greatest of the prophets.

8. Can John the Baptist’s role be relevant today?
Christianity is not just good views, it is good news: God’s plan to sort the world by sorting individuals by His grace which we receive...

9. Is John's message being heard in Perth today?
Some people say that they have no religion, but in practise people have a world view by which they live their lives whether Judaic,...
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