Pentecost Sunday 31st May 2020
Order of Service
Veni Sancte Spiritus : Taizé Chant
The Call to Worship from Ezekiel Chapter 37
I am going to put breath into you, and you will live
Hymn: Hail thee, Festival Day!
Collect for Pentecost
Prayer of Confession in unison
Assurance of Forgiveness
The Lord’s Prayer
International Music for Pentecost from Taizé: Burgundy, France
Pentecost : written and read by Helen Overell
Hymn 590
The First Lesson : Acts Chapter 2 verses 1 – 13
Kay Morrison : Elder of St John’s
Hymn 619 Spirit of the living God,
The Second Lesson : Acts Chapter 2 verses 14 – 21
Ian McMillan : Elder of St Leonard’s in the Fields
The Apostles’ Creed
The Swan by Saint-Saëns : Michelle Campbell
The Sermon
Closing Prayers
Hymn 615 Holy Spirit, ever living
The Benediction