St John’s Kirk and St Leonard’s in the Fields Church
The Forty-Ninth Perth Festival of the Arts
Online Festival Service
Sunday 24th May 2020: The Sunday after the Ascension
Images of 2020 of St John’s Kirk of Perth
as the Choristers of St Paul’s Cathedral sing
I was glad when they said unto me, ‘Let us go into the House of the Lord’
Order of Service
Introit : Cantique de Jean Racine
Liam Bonthrone with past and present students of the
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
as they celebrate the 175th Anniversary
of Gabriel Fauré’s Birthday 0n 12th May 2020
Introduction and Call to Worship
Hymn 160
Let no-one be a stranger within these walls
Mrs Malone by Eleanor Farjeon
Read by Diana and John
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 441
The Old Testament Lesson
Psalm 150
Read by Helen Mackinnon
Festival Administrator
The Anthem
Ave Verum Corpus
Fiona Joice, Matej Benda, Liam Bonthrone, Kenneth Maciver
The New Testament Lesson
The Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians Chapter 4 verses 4 – 9
Read by Sue Hendry
Elder of St John’s Kirk
Hymn 625
The Sermon
Hymn 518
The Benediction